Born to lose (Original: Johnny Thunders)


That's the way it goes,
this city is so cold.
And I'm, I'm so sold
that's why I know!

I said hit it, born to lose!
We're born to lose!
We're born to lose!
Oh baby, I'm born to lose!

Nothing to do!
Nothing to say!
Only one thing that I want,
it's the only way!

I said hit it, born to lose!
I said hit it, born to lose!
I said hit it, born to lose!
Oh baby, I'm born to lose!
Baby, I'm born to lose!

Livin' in a jungle,
it ain't so hard.
Livin' in a city,
it will eat out, eat out your heart!

I said hit it, born to lose!
I said hit it, born to lose!
I said hit it, born to lose!
Oh baby, I'm born to lose!

Baby, I'm born to lose!
Baby, I'm born to lose!
Baby, I'm born to!

I said hit it, born to lose!
I said hit it, born to lose!
I said hit it, born to lose!
Oh baby, I'm born to lose!
Baby, I'm born to lose!

I said hit it, born to lose!
I said hit it, born to lose!
I said hit it, born to lose!
Oh baby, I'm born to lose!

Baby, I'm born to lose!
Baby, I'm born to lose!
Baby, I'm born to!


  • Text:
    Johnny Thunders
  • Musik:
    Johnny Thunders


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